選べるストラップのブヒレンジャーお散歩バッグ Worldwide Shipping
選べるストラップのブヒレンジャーお散歩バッグ Worldwide Shipping
日本製防水帆布 Water repellent cotton canvas made in Japan
内側フレブル柄コットン All-over french bulldog pattern cotton
500mlペットボトルホルダー、ポケット有り 500ml pet bottle holder, pocket
Dog coat, cape, clothing colors can be changed upon your request. Write down your requests in the memo column or contact pakichanshoten via Instagram DM.
デフォルトはBuhi Rangerで、Buhiをお名前に無料で変更可能. (french buldog is known as Buhi in Japan. Buhi can you changed to your dog name.)
Select and write down your favorite strap up to two types.
Due to programming of the embroidery data, the cape and heart colors are the same. Embroidery is 6-color.
Design, planning, embroidery data, manufacturing are all done by the owner of Pakichan Shoten.